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Mr. Robinson's Virtual Classroom

Mr. Robinson's Virtual Classroom - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

Your personal data. By registering on this forum, you agree that it may collect some of your personal data. This data collection is done either through the information you provide us, or through the use of the services itself, for technical data used for the forum proper functioning. You can access, modify or delete your data at any time. Users under 16 years old certify that they have obtained the consent of their legal guardian in order to proceed with this registration. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

This forum uses cookies to store information on your computer. These cookies only serve to improve the user experience. You can read the purpose of cookies on our forum help center. You can choose in your browser settings not to enable cookies, as this may disrupt the forum proper functioning.

This forum may send you electronic messages (e-mail), such as activity notifications, or newsletters, sent by Forumotion or by an administrator of this forum. You can choose in your profile preferences to receive or not each of these messages.

Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

This forum is provided to you as a privilege, not a right. By registering to this forum, you are agreeing to the Terms Of Service that the Sequoia Union High School District and I have put into effect. With this agreement, you (the student) agree that any post deemed inappropriate by the staff may be removed, and corrective action may be taken. Any misbehavior in class may also lead to a suspension or banning from the forums. The following is a list of items that are deemed inappropriate and will not be tolerated at Mr. Robinson's Central Math Hub.

  • Student Membership
    You are granted membership access if and only if you are a current student of mine. When registering, your username must be your first name and your first letter of your [most recognized] last name with a period. For example, if your name is John Smith, your registered username would be John S.

  • Private Messaging (PM)
    You may PM one another, or to myself. Please use your discretion, though; should you attack another student through a private message, they have the absolute right to report it to me via PM. The only other private messages that I wish to receive/send will be concerning your grade, appointments before/during/after school, journal entries, and DQB's. If you have a math-related question, please post it publicly for the sake of all students who might share the same curiosity. Whether at school or through PM, I can only maintain the promise that a conversation between us is kept in strict confidence (per request) unless you declare: 1) you have been hurt; 2) you are planning to hurt someone else; 3) you are planning to hurt yourself. As a state employee, I am mandated by law to report such cases.

  • Adult Content
    This is a school-affiliated site, thus it is to be kept at a "PG" level.  I will not tolerate any language, images, or videos that would be considered offensive on school property. This rule extends to your avatar. Simply editing a few letters with an asterisk or other symbols isn't allowed, either.

  • Conduct
    Every student on this site will be held responsible for their behavior towards others. On this site you will treat other students in a respectful and courteous manner. There will be no personal attacks on any member by another.

  • Drug/Political/Racial/Religious/Sexual Related Talk
    There are to be NO racial, political, religious, drug related or sexual talk or attacks on this forum. To minimize issues between students, none of these topics will be tolerated on the boards, and may be reported to school administration (read bottom of TOS).

  • Constructive Criticism
    I allow all opinions on Mr. Robinson's Central Math Hub.  But if you want to be negative, it needs to be constructive.  Bashing a student's work, question(s), or opinions is not constructive at all, for any reason.  Bashing a student period is not constructive.  Whining/complaining/acting is not constructive.  If you want to be constructive, say what is wrong with a question of any sort specifically.  Any negativity that is not constructive will not be tolerated.

  • The Search Function/Thread Creation
    This forum has a very thorough search function. If you are going to ask a question, search for the answer first. Once you have searched, you may post or create a new thread pertaining to your question. If you decide to create a thread, clearly state your question in your thread title. Threads simply titled "help!" (or anything similar, not informing other students or myself of your problem) do not help at all. If you have a question, clearly stating it in your thread title will allow users who can answer your question to see it without entering the thread, and help users in the future who may be searching for a similar solution.

  • Avatar/Signature Rules
    Avatars have a limit of 64KB and must fit within 150 x 200 pixels. Also, note that Avatars are subject to the same rules as any other image - they must be kept at a PG level and school-appropriate, or will be removed. This rules includes everything covered in this TOS. Although there is a signature feature and there are options to enable your signature in your profile, the forum restricts it from appearing. For instance, my signature only appears because I paste it in every post of mine (if I remember to do so).

  • Copyrighted Material/Off Site Subscriptions
    Registered students agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right.  This includes off site paid subscriptions.

  • VIP's
    This is a public site, thus it can be viewed by your parents, Sequoia staff/administration, and SUHSD faculty. It is very important that you understand the level of supervision on this website when posting. All staff-type are also permitted to register on this forum and be granted moderator privileges upon request. Their usernames will be displayed in a green color. They are to be respected at all times.  If you are to interact with the VIP's, you are to keep the discussion mature and in a professional manner. Any type of attack will not be tolerated.

  • Administrators/Moderators/Other Staff
    Any potential staff on this forum is here to help you.  We are here to make your time on these forums enjoyable, and to make it easy for you to find the information you need about your current math course.  That being said, if one of us says something to you, take it to heart.  Your response is not necessary.  If you have a problem, PM the staff member or admin.  Any public argument with any of the staff will result in your immediate banning.  The staff is held accountable for their actions behind the scenes, and your opinion does matter.  But a public argument does no good for any party involved.

Lastly, understand that if there is anything that I see which violates school rules (including directly linking to another site where inappropriate material is found), school-related corrective actions may ensue and they may be reported to Sequoia administrative staff. This is an extension of the classroom and is a powerful tool to further your education, and it must be handled responsibly and delicately.